

RubyMotion 1.9が出てた!早い!




= RubyMotion 1.9 =

  * Fixed a bug in the build system where the paths of vendored libraries
    would not be properly quoted and cause a build failure in case they
    contain space characters.
  * Fixed a bug in the build system where using a lower deployment_target
    version would cause a link error at runtime because the application was
    linking against a framework that does not exist (ex. CoreImage on 4.3).
  * Fixed the `rake spec' task to not move the simulator window to the
  * Fixed a bug in the compiler where APIs accepting pointers to
    CoreFoundation types could not be given Pointer objects of the :object
    type (ex. CFErrorRef*).
  * Added support for CoreAudio (experimental). At the very least, constants
    pointing to four-bytes characters should be properly covered.
  * Fixed a typo in "expected array of %d elements, got %d" exception message
    where the numbers were inverted. Thanks Enrico Thierbach.
  * Fixed a bug in the compiler where compiling strings containing only null
    characters (ex. "\x00") would cause a crash.
  • vendorライブラリのpathがQuoteで囲まれてなくてスペースが含まれてたときにビルドが失敗するのを修正
  • CoreImageを4.3で使おうとするみたいなdevelopment_targetを昔のに設定してるのに存在しないフレームワークを指定したときにリンクエラーになるビルドの問題を修正
  • rake specした時にシミュレータが前に出てこないのを修正
  • CFなんちゃらへのポインタをAPIに渡せない問題の修正
  • CoreAudioのサポートを追加.
  • 例外メッセージのtypo修正
  • nullキャラクターだけが含まれたstringをコンパイルする時にクラッシュしてた問題を修正
